Another Week's Gone By

Here's another 58F degree day changing to 28F degrees... pretty big clouds rolling by.
I can't believe it's already the middle of January. 2012. Seems like a few weeks ago we were just planning our holiday party and looking forward to our New Year's ski trip. Already we're past that and on to planning new vacations and gatherings.

I haven't had anything grandiose to write about. Work is finally calming down. Been going out a lot.  

A night out around Chinatown and the LES.
Tried some cool cocktails at Apotheke, where the bartenders wear lab coats while they concoct the above.
 Since work is slowing down, I have a little more energy to cook dinner. Not to much new or exciting, but at least I'm getting back in the swing. Hopefully new ideas will come soon.

Old stand-by: Beef-less Stroganoff, salad and wine.

I made a naughty chicken cutlet and had some leftover egg and crumbs. Fried fennel root is awesome!

Found a recipe for Spaghetti Squash, Spinach, White Beans and Feta - but overcooked the squash to moosh.

Made a delicious skirt steak marinated in olive oil and cabernet. Garlic sautéed mushrooms and onions on the side. Yum!

Also hung out with Misty alot.

And then hung out with Misty some more. She's so cuddly.
 Hopefully something interesting happens soon! Otherwise you'll be seeing more photos of Misty. It's so fun to sit and pet her that we kind of get lazy about our chores and everything else around here!


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